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Sangoma Add Favorites


Step 01

From the Home Screen press,
the Star Icon.

Step 02

Press the + button.

Step 03

Title can be a person’s name e.g.,
John Smith or company name e.g.,
Lowes or a quick dial name e.g.,
Home etc.

Step 04

Phone number has two choices:
a. 10-digit number e.g., 9494275810

b. An extension e.g., 1000 if you had four-digit extensions.

Step 05

Busy Lamp Field – Turn the slider on if this is an extension.

This will allow you to see if a Favorite is on a phone call or idle (See next Screen)

Step 06

In this example you can see:

a. Stella at extension 1000 is on a call.
b. Andy, Brian, and Warehouse are idle.

Note: The users without the presence bubble are speed dials and were entered without activating the Busy Lamp Field.

Step 07

You have two modes to view your Favorites (these can be changed by pressing the upper three menu buttons when viewing favorites :

a. Grid Mode
b. List Mode