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Get The Fully Managed Secure, Private Network Only Fonesoft Can Offer


Multiprotocol Label Switching or MPLS by Fonesoft is our site-to-site private network connectivity product. MPLS service is aimed towards businesses that have multiple locations because, with our MPLS, it’s easy to connect your locations. MPLS does not function over the internet, and therefore, not publicly accessible, completely private, and secure. As a fully-managed service, businesses that want to link together inventory, processes, and other necessary business data, can do this quickly and without the worry of it being unsafe.


Designed, installed, customized,
and connected all with Fonesoft

24/7 customer support


Proactive monitoring

Remote diagnoses and resolutions


Private networking

24/7 monitoring


While other providers may require an additional fee for network design or have you hire a third-party systems’ engineer, we do it all for you – for free. We’ll work with you to design the best infrastructure for your business that will allow you to grow and change all within the same network. Since your fixed wireless isn’t accessible to outside sources, your business will also be safe from outside intruders.

  • Productivity – Easily communicate between locations within your network.
  • Less Redundancy – Since this is a private network, information on this system will be safer from hackers and malware than an open network.
  • Safe and Secure – Since this is a private network, information on this network will be more safe from hackers and malware than an open network.
  • Design and Engineering Included – With Fonesoft there is no need to hire a third-party contractor or engineer. We do all the designing and plotting of the network for you, and it’s all free!
  • Lower Cost – When compared to bundled packages, MPLS tends to be less expensive than a plan with the same security, speed, and efficiencies.
  • Quality of Service – Prioritizing data and usage with labels helps avoid congestion on your network.
  • Scalability – The ability to automatically configure or set-up new paths allows for adding or moving locations with ease.
  • Traffic Routing – More direct paths provide more reliability versus IP routing.


When working with Fonesoft , your business will reap the benefits of an MPLS network. With the help of our engineers and technicians, your network is designed and laid out free of charge. Without the need to find a third-party consultant or engineer, you save money right from the start!